Corporate Responsibility & Ethical Operations
OSSI is a member of the International Stability Operations Association (“ISOA”), a non-profit trade association, founded in 2001 as the International Peace Operations Association (“IPOA”). The ISOA is committed to raising the standards of the peace and stability operations industry to ensure sound and ethical professionalism and transparency in the conduct of peacekeeping and post-conflict reconstruction activities. Their Code of Conduct represents a constructive effort towards better regulating private sector operations in conflict and post-conflict environments in the belief that high standards will both benefit the industry and serve the greater causes of peace, development, and human security.
In September 2010, the Chairman of OSSI was present in Geneva, Switzerland, to be one of founding signatories for The International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (“ICoC”). The Code of Conduct was signed or endorsed by over 70 international private security firms with the objective of strengthening respect for human rights and humanitarian law within their operations. The code draws from current efforts (including the UN “Protect, Respect, Remedy” framework and the “Montreux Document”) and goes further, addressing such topics as the use of force and firearms by private security firms.